Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ecological Hypocrisy

A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
[Pro 12:10]

If you care for the earth, the trees and all the animals within it, should you not care more for humankind itself?

For man were given dominion over the earth and all things in it, but the highest commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself, the one whom God deemed worthy enough to die for.

If we truly love our neighbour need the poor go kill elephants for their tusks for some mere dollars?

And if the rich are not worshipping money, is there a need to devastate entire forests just to make paper?

And then if you truly are able to care for something that is not yours, do you not think God care far far more for what is his?

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