Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Christian Government

Something I wrote as a comment to some blog:

Some of my thoughts, a little lengthy, and not entirely complete yet.

All power is God’s

All governments of the world are here to administer power, which fulfils God’s purposes on earth, all for the sake of the predestined and the elected. (Yes past tense, as God have chosen them, even before creation itself: You can’t choose God, God chose you.)

It does not matter who or what is the government. God is not captive nor hostage to human institutions.

Some examples: Egypt and Joseph, Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, Persia and Esther, Persia and Cyrus. In all these instances, God showed how real power is exercised, and the agencies again need not be so-called Christian. Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus are the obvious cases where secular power secularly administered serves God’s purposes, as it was ordained.

Christian President and pro-Christianity President.

There is a difference.

The former walks with God in the office of the Presidency, striving to maintain his personal witness, as everyone who is called does so, wherever he is, and whatever he is doing, within his ‘neighbourhood’ as given to him by God.

The latter sets himself out to be a champion for Christianity. Now it really does not matter whether or not the latter is a Christian to proclaim such, only that he is seen as one; it is all a matter of political expediency, as in whether, for example, Karl Rove thinks its necessary for the spin and to win the vote, eg Bush’s anti-gay stance was entirely politics.

The Republicans are really more pro-Christians than pro-Christianity. They needed the “Christian” votes.

God’s Champion is Called, not Voted

God have shown he has no need for any human to champion him or to exercise power for him. Even so, that role is not for anyone to say, even less for the masses to vote for, but only God to call, and it certainly need not be the President.

Perhaps being President disqualifies you from the role altogether, not unlike David barred from building the temple.

USA is not a Christian nation

It is obvious that USA is not doing Christianity a favour at all, for isn’t vengeance God’s and instead Christians are to turn your cheek and continue to love.

Can the USA as a nation demonstrates such true Christian value? No President will be elected nor remain in office if he does so. On this evidence alone, one can conclude that Christianity have been abused and exploited as political capital to gain votes and to get power, for its own sake, i.e. politics in another cloak.

The USA is certainly no Christian nation. No other nation can be, but only the church, the true catholic church in the world, and only it.


The sin of Balaam is one of the sins of the end days (See Revelations). It is the sin of abusing God’s gift, akin to the sin of using God’s name in vain.

Balaam abused his God-given gift for commercial and political benefits and influence. He prophesised for whoever that pays him, perhaps in prestige, recognition or money or all of them. Whereas God’s prophets is to speak God’s word to whomever, whenever and wherever God wants his word spoken to. Samuel seeking David is an example.

Balaam is Alive

Campaigning on the basis of pro-Christianity tantamount to the sin of Balaam, for it abuses Christianity for political power.

And both the power-to-be that made this its platform and the voters who vote for it, sin. Both parties are doing it for their own power’s sake and less, if at all, for God’s. God was only in name, vainly.

So Balaam continues to live in the modern world. And no one will listen to a donkey, will they?

Anti-Christ’s Strategy

Finally how more devious and evil a plan to subvert the church can there be than for the devil to be a christian and to lead the church, or the one seemingly so, from within.

It is not for nothing the beast is called the anti-Christ. Like a reflection in a mirror, the image is completely true to the subject but differs only in one aspect, that it is false and not true.

Christianity in the USA may now be more political than Christian, eg unable to distinguish Bush’s anti-gay stance as political and mistaking it for ‘Christian values’, and therefore it is seemingly strange to separate church from state.

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