A response to a blog:
alma said:
Thanks for the affirmation, for every matter shall be established by two or three witnesses. For that was what I arrived at when I pondered on this thread and I shall now say the same thing too.
Living WordEvery member of the Body is a living Word, the Word becoming flesh in you, born again.
And this Word is read, whether or not it is spoken, whether or not intended, and at every moment and any place, for all times you are alive.
The church is not a place nor time, the church is to go to the world, and not the world to the church, the Word is as much for the ‘churched’ as for the many yet-to-be-called in the world.
And it is most glaring, and most false, and most deceitful, when what you actually say is at odds or contradicts what your lives truly speak.
We are all letters written on living, bloody and bleeding hearts.
And yes, bleeding hearts.
For any heart alive will be pierced by the pain, the sorrow, the agonies, the sufferings, and all the evil that is all around us, unless you are not of this world or evil itself.
But yet the heart lives, yet not it, but the Word.
And thus Christ is resurrected in our hearts for all to see.
And that is the best sermon: Christ in you, the Word, alive.
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