Saturday, October 22, 2005


Something written as a letter more than a year ago:
If ignorance is bliss, why do I want to know anything?
If delusion makes me happy, why do I not delude myself?
If darkness is warm and cosy, why do I need any light?
If flattery makes me feel good, why do I want to hear the truth?

Life is to be enjoyed, to seek pleasures and happiness,
Is there anything wrong with that?
I may not know tomorrow, but I know today
And today I want to be happy not sad,
to please, be pleased and not deny myself pleasures

Why do I want to burden myself with unpleasant things?
with unnecessary sorrows, and unhappy ideas?
So be far away from me those who tell me bad news
and wants to rob me of my happiness, pleasures and comforts.

Although tomorrow, I may die,
I am already happy today and yesterday;
And tomorrow I can always continue to delude myself,
to walk away from unpleasant things and people,
or just close my eyes and dream my own dreams.

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